Today we do a diagnostic scan tool review on the TopDon Phoenix Plus/Pro.
Once again the TopDon Phoenix Plus/Pro is very comparable to the Iscan, Autel, Launch, Autologic, Opus Drive Pro, Snap On, Matco, and oem diagnostic tools.
This unit does lack j2534 programming, but it is a great go to tool for any technician.
Want to buy the TopDon Phoenix Plus? Use my link here to support my channel.
Who is Cody’s Auto Diagnostics & Programming LLC?
I was an automotive technician for the last 17 years and hold ASE master with A9 light duty diesel, L1 advanced drivability, and L3 hybrid certifications. I just recently took my skills and tools on the road. I am now a mobile diagnostic technician, and go to automotive repair shops to perform programming and diagnostics.
This channel is anything automotive related with tool giveaways to insight on drivability, diagnostics or programming.